KKF Logo

The Kansas Kiwanis Foundation was founded in 1963, the Kansas Kiwanis Foundation is a charitable corporation organized under the laws of the State of Kansas and in accordance with the IRS Code 501 (c)(3). Our Membership is ALL Kansas Kiwanians. If you belong to a Kiwanis Club in Kansas, you are automatically a member of our foundation. Each division in the Kansas District has a divisional representative who is a member of the Board of Directors and represents individual Kiwanis members.

New Mailing Address: 4011 SW 29th St, #137, Topeka KS 66614

Why do we give?

The Foundation supports Kiwanis Club and District activities and individuals from across Kansas with our financial resources. Only by each of us giving are we able to make a differ­ ence.These individual contributions are com­ bined to assist Kansas citizens and our District beyond what clubs or even the district can possibly do. Our money goes to:

  • Scholarships to students - A student from each Division who is attending a college or university, is awarded a scholarship, ten Key Club or Circle K members are awarded a scholarship and several more scholarships are awarded annually. Scholarships vary in amounts from $500 to $1200.

  • Sponsored Youth - Each of our youth groups, Circle K, Key Club, Builders, K-Kids and Aktion clubs, receive an annual contribution.

  • Club Community Projects - Each year a number of clubs are selected from applications to receive financial assistance in funding with a non-profit community project.

  • Recognition of Achievement - At the annual conference, Kiwanians across the state who have contributed at varying levels are honored.

  • Other - Support for the Kansas District Publication, the Kansas Kiwanian, district conferences, officer education at the club and district levels, and other special projects are underwritten.

How may I give?

A nationally recognized investment company invests all funds donated to the Foundation. Only the interest earned by these investments is used for our projects. This helps us to continue through the years in making important contributions to worthwhile projects. Kiwanians give freely of their time and money to support many activities. Contributions to the Kansas Foundation allows members an opportunity to support Kiwanis activities on a broader and larger scale.

Club Contributions

Each club is asked to contribute $5, $7, or $10 per member, per year.

Annual Giver

Individually, we ask each member to contribute at least $10 a year. Continued contributions by members may earn the status of:

  • Memorial Contribution - Contributions made in memory of a Kiwanian by friends, clubs, or family members.

  • Life Member - Individuals who contribute $100 as a one-time payment, or making smaller donations over several years that total $100, earn this designation. A Life Member is presented a certificate; however, a plaque can also be purchased if desired.

  • Silver Award - Those who donates $250 (whether in increments or all at once) is presented the “SILVER” Award and receives a 4” engraved slate coaster.

  • James W. Putnam Award - This distinguished honor is for individuals who have donated $500. Life members and Silver Awardees may also earn this award by continuing to contribute. The Putnam Award recipient receives a Kiwanis ribbon (blue and yellow) along with an engraved Putnam medallion.

  • Honor Donor - Individuals giving a cumulative $1,000 receive our “K” Sunflower Pin.

  • Star - When cumulative giving reaches $2,500, individuals are awarded an engraved 5” Gold Acrylic Star.

  • Diamond - As donations grow to a cumulative $5,000, donors are awarded an engraved 6” Blue Diamond Acrylic Rectangle.

  • Trailblazer - Donors reaching a giving level of $7,500 are awarded an engraved 7” Gold Acrylic Spearhead.

  • Eagle - With a cumulative gift of $10,000, an individual receives and engraved 8” Frosted Blue Acrylic Eagle.

  • Pathfinder - Donations reaching $15,000 earn a donor an engraved 9” Gold Acrylic Spectra Arrow.

  • Ultra Diamond - Once donations total $20,000, the donor is presented with an engraved 10 ½” Bamboo Diamond on a black metal stand.

  • Lifetime Leader - Any individual giving $1,000 or more annually is awarded an engraved 7” Blue Acrylic Halo.

  • Foundation Partner - Individuals who commit to a recurring monthly donation that reaches $250 a year or remains ongoing for 2+ years is thanked with a beautiful Etched Crystal Cube.

  • Judy Legacy Planned Giving - Kansas Kiwanians can plan now to honor and support the work done by our organizaation as plans are made with personal financial advisors or lawyers. The following arrangements can result in a lasting contribution: Any individual in a Last Will and Testament or Life Insurance Policy can name the Kansas Kiwanis Foundation the beneficiary. Other methods of contributing include conveying title to real estate that contains a life interest. This allows the Kiwanis member to retain the income during his or her lifetime and then the property is transferred to the Foundation upon death. A Life Income Contribution also allows for the member or family members to continue receiving financial benefits until death.

We would love to have you share in our important work through awarding of grants, awards, and scholarships.

Contact us for more information by talking to any board member or writing to us at:

Kansas Kiwanis Foundation
4011 SW 29th St, #137
Topeka KS 66614
[email protected]